Joy Franklin: [00:00:01]
This is May 27th and the next meeting will be Saturday, June 9th in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Good morning, Bartholomew.
Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore: [00:00:13]
Good morning, my friends. And we're going to do something a little different today because you have been listening and hearing for a few months now the statement that this work that we are sharing is not going to go on forever. And I am going to give you the ending date of our work together. We have five years. Within that time, those of you who really want to become aware of who you are, who want to learn how to become deeply aware on an ongoing basis of the deep, true self of your being, we have a five-year plan. Now, the reasons for this are varied. One, there is a certain amount of concern that we have for the well-being of Mary-Margaret, and it would be extremely foolish of us to stretch this out to a time and place when her physical life would be in any kind of jeopardy. And these kinds of things are going to begin to happen as things begin to move into different ways within the Earth plane consciousness. So that is one section of it. Another section of it is you as well, which is that all through our work together, all these many years, the emphasis has been that there is no need for anything external to yourself to find who you are. That you have within you all of the total capability and all you need learn is how to do it appropriately.
[00:01:41] So with this appropriateness coming into full swing, there is the knowing that in these five years, when you really begin to realize that this is going to have to be a one-man job, a one-woman job, yourself in connection with your own deep self, then much of your strengthening will come through this process. I think you will probably begin to use the five years with a great deal more perseverance, perhaps single pointedness, because in truth this kind of situation does help. It does not do it for you, as you have all realized, but it does help. And we need to talk a bit about how that works in a few moments. But in order to realize that the time for you to go deeply within is very much correlated with the necessity for Mary-Margaret - now, remember, we started this when she was in a state of wanting to know who she was - and with all of the activity necessary in order to provide this for a greater number of people, the stress and all of the motion around the globe and wherever else we need to go has taken a lot of what I would call that inner motion for Mary-Margaret. And you can understand there comes a time when this has to be set aside. So, given your necessity, given her necessity, given the motion of the planet and the things that are going to be happening, we just simply say that within five years this will be the end of this kind of adjoining with this kind of deep self.
[00:03:20] But there is no need for anything other than enjoyment, relaxation and abundant good fun in the time we have left. Let us not make this a problem. Let us make this a wonderful coming together. Those of you who have the true intention of heart, I honestly promise you no bit of guidance, however necessary in whatever realm for you will be left without it. Now, I ask you, as part of the process of coming to make this reality true - that you will have all the guidance you need - we need from you please in the ensuing months that any deep questions that you have - I don't mean, you know, considering the end of this planet and what's going to happen, you know, we've talked about that before - but those things that have to do with the transformation of your understanding. If you have any questions about that, please, when you come in in the morning to these meetings, would you please write it out and place it in one of the baskets with one of the lovely ladies who helps out and then to whatever extent we can, to whatever extent, if we have not already covered it in another context, we will be very happy to bring this forward. Don't hold back whatever your questions, now is the time.
[00:04:35] If they are cosmological and seem to be useful, we will be happy to deal with them. If they are transformational and also useful, we will be more than happy to deal with them. So please understand that this is the time of the gathering together. It's the time of the asking deeply within yourself what are your basic remaining questions. What is the dilemma as you understand it? And then what is the resolution. Because since we began and until the time we leave, the only thing that we have come to do is to try to convince you on a very deep level that it is absolutely possible for you to meet with the divine consciousness moment by moment, instead of having to wait until moments of extremity to ask for help. That there is a way, daily, moment by moment in every activity, whether it be pleasing, whether it be non pleasing, whatever the characteristic of the external manifestation, the internal job remains the same. And the more you work on that moment after moment, then at the ending time, it will be as if you no longer need this. Now, those of you who came on invitation, you now understand why we asked you to be here today. It is a time to really understand deeply in the next few weeks and months, what is your commitment? And if there is obstacles, please present them for discussion. Now, having said all that, let us go back. Some of this in the next few years is going to be going back to what we consider the basics of the whole process.
[00:06:07] And please understand, it's only to re-awaken you, to re-remind you. There is nothing new under this roof. You know it all within your being. We have said since we began, this is not the great, wonderful guru who presents to you the great, wonderful teaching. This is not so. This is the mirror of remembrance. This is all that it is. It is a mirror of remembrance, and in that relationship to you, let us now talk again about the basics. Months and months, years and years ago, when we first began our work together, we brought forward for your understanding and contemplation the thought of filters. There are filters that are constantly moving in and out between you and real awareness. The character of these filters has to do with your belief system, and your belief system comes about because of various things, one of which is your experience and what you say is "I believe things because I've experienced things", and I said "No" - you remember? - I said, that's not true. I said it's the other way around. It is within you that the belief arises and out of that belief that comes out of you, you then draw to you as a magnet right into your consciousness exactly what you expect to experience.
[00:07:22] Now, my friends, listen. I wish I were a magician. You know, people have called this Bartholomew business a lot of strange things, many very uncomplimentary... and so be it. But one of the things that we have been called that I wish we could be is a magician. And the magician in this sense being that for a few moments in time-space, we were able to remove all of those filters that have been placed there and allow you to put in its place a vaster filter. Now, the composition and what we have been trying to do in all these years, simply stated, is to create a new filter for you to see reality. You see it through your personal ideas. You understand this. We've talked about this before. You go into a gathering and if you're overweight, you notice how many people are overweight. If your problem is drinking, you notice how many people are drinking. If your problem... remember? We've talked about this endlessly. We don't need to repeat it. You only take out of the organization, the grouping, the life, the reality, the outward projection that which is what you call the manifest world, you only take in what you want to take in. You only take in what your own filter system allows you. And one of the difficulties is you have never, since you were very young, been trained to believe that by simply silencing, being quiet, looking within, you can see the God reality. You don't believe it. And one of the reasons that all of these very strange manifestations that are coming and going around this Earth plane, this channel, that channel, whatever, is to try to bring you to a deep understanding that this is possible. If there is any job that we have, it's to present you with a possibility of believing, because the minute you believe it's possible, it will begin to happen. And until you believe it, it will stay one step away from you.
[00:09:19] So the job, if we can talk about it again in these five years, is to become as best we can that which mirrors back for you the absolute truth of the ease - did you hear that? - of the ease of knowing exactly who you are. Now, to begin this process again, nothing new, let's just go back and work it in another way. Inside of the psyche, inside of consciousness are varying kinds of filters. I think the best analogy is... I don't know what they're called, I certainly have never really seen one, but in Mary-Margaret's imaginings, I know that there are certain pieces of equipment that have... rather like these lights that if you keep changing, you get a red filter, a green filter, a purple and so on. Well, that's exactly what I want you to realize is true about you. You are that mechanism, whatever that is, that light box of consciousness that has when those filters are not present, nothing but the pure white light. That is what you are, but because of choices, because of belief, because of all kinds of things, varying kinds of filters form and cross over that amazing white light, and then everything that is reflected no longer has just the white light, but now has... intermingling this time, let us say, with the pink color, with the green, whatever it might be. Now, the job - and this is very simply stated - the job is to become aware of when you are in the presence of one of your own filters and to choose to move through it in whatever way we'll discuss into what we would call the very basic element of the white light. You can call it the deep soul, you can call it the Source, you can call it the God light, you can call it the pure conscious awareness, I don't care what you name it, but I want you to remember, I want you to please begin to bring all of your faculties to bear on this exciting moment of finding out who you are. And you do it by remembering with visual images, things that are close to the truth. And if you will, just think, please, again, in terms of the white light and the filters that move that whenever you are seeing anything as dangerous, upsetting, separate, evil, in any way difficult for you, you are in the presence of one of your filters, period. When on the other hand, you are in the presence of a warmth in your heart, a soft and gentle motion in your mind, and are able to look at the world with peace and quiet and softness, you are closer to the white light.
[00:11:57] Now that is the basic borderline of consciousness you have to begin with. And I ask you to be aware that even if it's a slight irritation, do not fool yourself: the slight irritation means you are in the presence of a filter. Another way of saying it, you aren't seeing it right. You've missed it. You aren't seeing what's really there. You have a filter in front and just with sweet gentleness, without somehow torking yourself into some kind of abysmal position of self hatred - the first thing you do is begin to be filled with self hatred: I am not loving, if I were loving, my world would be totally loving and compassionate, and all of this - instead of going through all of that, if we will just stop and remember what we have discussed today: remember the idea in the awareness that a filter is present? And if you can, if you can name the filter... now, let's say what we mean: you don't have to do great and ponderous... you know, introspection for weeks and months and years because the filters are very obvious to you. Those of you who do come to the workshop situations, you realize that most of our work is to begin to define and to work with elimination of filters. That's what it's all about. So the filter that is easiest seen is the one where you begin to feel yourself under some kind of external tension. Some kind of external event is pushing in on you and your response is you're uncomfortable, you're uneasy, you have perhaps self-pity, you have withdrawal. Somehow you have pulled away from whatever is going on. The response when in the presence of a filter is never to move forward. It is always to pull away. Now all of you pull away in a different way. But nevertheless, if you can be aware that when you begin to pull away, when your energy starts to come inside of you and feel uncomfortable, if you are in any state of anything being uncomfortable, filter is present, and if you could just quietly ask, just with quiet gentleness, name it. You know, you don't have to make six sentences and ask it to be categorized and all the vowels be correct. You just simply say "name it". You begin to turn it back in upon yourself. You begin to call it by its name. You begin to understand the nature and the makeup of your own filter system. And in so doing - and this you will simply have to trust me - in so doing, as you name it, without you having to do anything very special, the filter itself begins to fade.
[00:14:29] Please understand, my friends, your job is not to destroy these filters. Your job is not to somehow make them disappear. Your job is to simply, with all of the deep awareness and the gentle care and love in the moment, to gaze upon them, name them as best and most intimately as you can, and simply go to that place which in the next five years you should have established very definitely, that place that I would call the deep center of self and simply sit and wait, watching your breath, relaxation is possible, everything is relaxed, you simply become aware and you sit at center, and things begin to fade. The thing about these filters, my friends, is they're not real. The filters will disappear on their own without you doing anything because they are not real. They are constructs of your mind. They are constructs of your emotional body. They are things that have been placed in between you and "other" in order to make you see that you are separate from other, to make you feel that you are different from other, that somehow you are not one. And so, because the nature of the filter is false, there is nothing that you have to do at all. By simply recognizing it with sweet, gentle consciousness, it begins on its own to go back into another shape and form because there is no reality to it.
[00:15:55] Now, I would tell you, frankly, that if those filters were absolutely true, if they were real from the deepest part of God consciousness, there is nothing you could do to destroy them. Another way of saying it, you would be stuck. You would be stuck for now and forevermore with these filters of separated consciousness. But they are not real. They have been made up by the minds and consciousness of humankind and they do not reflect reality, eternity, any of the eternal verities, they simply are not real. And anything that is not real, when it no longer is given energy, it will fade and move into something different. Your only job, my friends, is to look and have that deep sense of concentrated awareness. You are pure conscious awareness, uninhibited by any limitation whatsoever. You do not believe me. I hope that more and more of you in the ensuing five years will begin to know more and more deeply exactly the truth of that. If you will remember, in the last months, we have been asking you, please, to keep reminding yourself in the midst of whatever confusion is going on... let's say it again: if there is pain, if there is resistance, if there is self-pity, if there is sorrow, if there is confusion, if there is misunderstanding, you are in the presence of a false filter and all you need do, instead of trying to say "Where did this come from? How many lifetimes ago did I create it?", you know, just simply stay centered and clear. Remember two things: it is false, and by simply naming it as best and as sweetly as you can and then going to center and waiting, it will have its own ending time. That is a promise.
[00:17:44] And you will have to begin to trust more and more the honesty of that statement: of yourself you can do nothing. Nor do you know how. My friends, look, you are not stupid. There is no one in this room that is stupid. If you had known how to remove those filters on your own, would you have not done so? Now let's look at it the other side. If this energy field, if any of the great energy fields that you have come to really deeply care about - let us talk about the Christ and the Buddha and Francis and Ramana and their endless and endless and endless, all of the great illumined ones - do you not think that if they could have, with simple observation and certain techniques from the outside, removed your filters, do you not think that they did not have enough compassion in their heart to do so? Do you really believe that they would have withheld from you that final step that breaks down the filters and allows you to see the full illumination of your God self, understanding that their hearts were totally full of love and compassion? Compassion past that which the ego manifestation can possibly understand. Knowing that that is true, you must understand they can give you from the external, from the outside, so to speak, so much guidance, so much encouragement when you finish it out, everything that you've read is an encouragement.
[00:19:05] You start back with the Vedas, those marvelous, marvelous Vedas. You know, it's not fashionable anymore, you know, to read the Vedas, you know, and it's not fashionable anymore to read a lot of the old, old work, to read the old beginning times of Zen. Because, you know, those are different times. But my friends, the truth was being illuminated then as it is now. There's been no difference. The central core stands exactly as it is, which is that you have within you, on settling down into yourself, in placing yourself quietly, rhythmically, breathing into your own body form, gently waiting with pure awareness, a watchfulness. Out of that watchfulness, what you begin to become aware of is who you really are. And they have said it from the beginning and they will say it until the last moment when the last human still needs the encouragement from the external. And that is all this is. It is just a brother coming in encouragement. I encourage you. I encourage you with all of my being, to become more and more alive to the truth and the knowing that that is who you are and that is what you can do. And as many moments of every day as you silence even for a moment the outside and go within and just remember, if you can do nothing more in the midst of the hubbub of your life, to just remember the clear light, to remember the light within, to remember the warmth of the heart, to remember the clarity of the mind, to pay attention to the breath, to take it moment after moment after moment backward inside again and again.
[00:20:37] You are going to begin to settle the mechanism down so that the filters begin to disappear in their own sweet and gentle way, and what is left is what is always been there, which is the light of the pure, unconditional consciousness of God's self, that which is the love that you're all seeking outside of yourself. It is everything that you have ever sought, and it comes within and illuminates from within. And it happens only when you begin to silence, when you begin to acknowledge that you are in the presence of something false. For example, in your own physical life, when you become aware that you are looking at something, you know, you see this snake and you are afraid, and as you perceive it closer and closer, you realize it's not snake at all, it is rope. You say, Who cares? You know, I can handle the rope and you go upon your way. You don't somehow have to go and burn the rope and vindicate it and scold it for pretending to be a snake, and all of this business, you know, you know, it's just "Ah, I see. I see the truth. Let's move on to something more interesting than examination of rope". All right. Now, it's the same way to become aware of all of those filters. Now, I know that many of you have categorized your filters. You have dark filters. You know, you have medium dark filters. You have partially dark filters. But in the end, filters are filters. Any time you feel any kind of uncomfortableness, any time peace and total relaxation and ease and expansion are not present right now, check. Check yourself. When any kind of tension - I don't care if it's physical, mental, emotional, whatever it might be - if you are in the presence of tension, I want you, please, to begin to say, ah, you don't have to use these words, but something like "I am in the presence of something false, I am in the presence of something that is a lie, and behind that lies what I'm seeking". And if you can begin to be aware day after day of this, moment after moment, the whole process begins to settle itself down into the rituals that leave you feeling moments of every hour filled with peace and awareness, total comfort, total sense of belonging - how about that for a word? - a sense of absolute belonging. That everything is perfect exactly as it is, that it doesn't matter what the state of the chaos outside, that inside there is a belonging, a knowing that you are always, always immersed and are the deep Self. And everything else that is present is a false filter that needs to just be recognized and allowed to go on its way.
[00:23:32] Now, last time we talked we brought in as best we could the idea that every night, or most every night, when you fall into sleep, you look forward to the sleep state and you go through dreams almost as a ritual because, you know, one dreams, and then all of a sudden you are not present. Body is not present. You are not aware of body, you are not aware of dream, you're not aware of motion. All is silent. And yet when you arise in the morning, you do not say I died and was reborn. You just simply realize that you awoke. You are here. You were in another state, an altered state that you came back with no trace remembrance of. But nevertheless you are in some way more vitalized. You know, people say to me often time, why is it that no matter what the condition, that when sleep is there, when you awaken, there can be until the big inundation comes in again, moments of a feeling of some kind of inner life again, some kind of inner hope, some kind of willingness to participate yet again in whatever the day has to unfold for you. And it is pleased to remember, in that state that is what has been called the deep sleep state, that you fall back into the deep Self, you fall back into that which is the God consciousness, which is the source of all being, which is the being of being, which is all of those wondrous words. And every night you journey there. Every night of your life you journey there, you come back perfectly all right.
[00:25:07] Now, the reason I bring this in is that one of the difficulties of how all of you were raised is you were raised to fear the God consciousness. Now, I realize why it was so. You know, you have to be made to be obedient somehow. You know, parents find children to be a humbug. Remember, we've talked about this before. And so if children are a humbug, you have to find ways to keep them in line. And so, of course, you tell stories. You've talked about the bogeyman that comes at night if you don't do this and if you do, do that and it's endless, and all of the treats that you want, somehow they hang on some mysterious kind of... of action if you're good. Is there any connection between being good and watching the television? I think it should be the other way. If you're bad, you will be forced to watch the television. You see. See, I think we've got things a little bit mixed up here on this earth plane. But nevertheless, you see just a bit of a reversal. But nevertheless, this whole approach to wanting to find God and too... deeply, to fall into that state of consciousness as you begin to get deeper and deeper into it, what you have found - and many of you have reported this in your work with me - is you become afraid! Because what if you fall into God's lap, and he says,
"Well, I really don't like you and I really am very displeased with you. And do you remember back in May of 1990, remember that night? Remember what you did? Now you remember that because I remember that. And I want to tell you that instead of placing you here, which is in heaven, I'm going to place you over here. And when you have suffered enough, if I think you've suffered enough and have purified enough, I'm going to take you out and put you over here". Now, my friends, that is manipulation on a maximum scale. We are talking about such vast manipulation that if you are paying attention to what you've been taught, there is a level, a layer of your being that is terrified. Ah! You're one of those... Well, we put you over here, you see? But you see... "One of those". You see, each one of you are "one of those something". Have you noticed that? You know, there are categories, but you fall into one or more categories of those. "Those" meaning over here until you've awakened, until you understand, you know, the error of your ways and they will put you here.
[00:27:19] Now, I understand why it came to be, we've talked about this before, and if you want to talk about it again, put it in as a question, we will do it. But nevertheless, it doesn't matter the why. You know, it's that wonderful story about when you're shot with an arrow with poison, you can either find out who shot it or you can get somebody to help you out and, you know, get you back to life. You know, if you wait long enough trying to find out who shot you, you will be dead. And the same thing arises here. If you wait long enough to find out how you got in this mess, you're going to continue in this mess because it doesn't matter how. What you know is you are in a mess. Now, if you are not in a mess, there's no reason for you to be here today. If every moment of your life you feel happy, relaxed, extended, loving, compassionate, buoyant, optimistic, totally giving, without any kind of feeling of "other", then you belong right here, or maybe right here. But that is not the state. And it is because you have been trained into a different kind of perception. If from very, very small children were trained to know that there was the God light within and at any extremity, no matter how slight, if they could simply be taught to go inside and wait for the answer, to wait and see the light, you can begin training children at a very young age to do these very simple things. Just be quiet, go inside, see what's there, see what's there.
[00:28:39] Now, this planet is going to begin to make some major decisions. The energy that is maximum on earth plane awareness at this time happens to be what you have come to call money, which has to do with everything. Doesn't it? Have to do with everything? Is there any place in the manifest world where we can say it has nothing to do with it? People come to me and they say, I want to take six weeks off and meditate and I can't. And you know why? Because their whole life would fall apart. You know, their bills wouldn't be paid and all of these things. So when you look deeply, the energy that is at maximum at this time, that is the most, the greatest control on your life in some way or other probably has to do with money. And I'm going to ask you to try something because I think it's time that some of you broke totally free from that limitation. And it's a limitation in your belief. My friends, it is a limitation in your belief. I know you have heard this. There are hundreds of books in every bookstore on this subject, but let us go through it again, because I see that for many of you there are different life choices that would help you manifest and use these next five years to greater advantage. And one of the difficulties that you're running into is the sense that you are stuck because of financial limitations. So let me give you a very simple statement about this, and then you do what you want. First statement: if you do not have enough money, it is because there is a belief deeply entrenched in you about money that is producing the effect of not having money. Now, for some of you, if I might use it, is what I would call the goody-goody excuse, you see. The pure have no money. You know, if you are pure and righteous and God loving, you don't have any money. My friends, there are a lot of you sitting in this room today, without even knowing it, that are unconsciously in the midst of that dilemma. And if you look at the manifest world, you will see how it plays out. How many of you know millionaire priests? What is the first thing they say to a priest? You've got too much. You're accumulating. You're a man of God. You shouldn't need anything. Just take what's the simplest. All through the history of all the religions, this comes in again and yet again. Now, that is part of your awareness. Your deep belief structure says "If I accumulate a lot of money, I am automatically going to be in that... you know, that needle in the eye of the camel business", you know that you can't get through heaven because the needle eye is too small, and here you have this camel and it's all very difficult. And I realize that some of you may not consciously think about this day after day, but I will tell you, deeply resounding in you is the absolute fear that somehow if you have enough money, you are going to miss it. You're going to walk right by the eye of the needle and not even see it, you know. And it's kind of an inner conviction inside of you.
[00:31:51] But I ask you in this day to begin something very different. Now, some of you are on the other side of you, which is you have been trained to believe that you cannot make money, especially the women. You know, that's not a woman's job. Women aren't supposed to make money. No, no, no. The men make the money. The women don't. Don't underestimate those powers within you that manifest outside of you in all kinds of rules and regulations about who gets paid more and so on that reflect back to you, and now you again see, as it reflects back, you believe once again. "Oh, yes, yes. Women can't make as much money as men." You see, if your filter says this, that's exactly what you're going to see. Now, as you well know, there are lots of women out there making a great deal of money. Their filter is different. It isn't that the world treats them any better. It's their filter is different. The belief is inside, the filter is in front, and then the manifest world mirrors it back. You please begin to dwell on that. It all begins inside of you. That's where the beginning and the ending is. The rest is simply external. Now, about money: I would ask you to just sweetly and gently and quietly, as many moments when you begin to feel fear around money, when you begin to feel that tightening, when money and not having it comes into your awareness, would you please go into your body and check what you're doing. Check your body system. At once! And what you're going to find is that you've become constricted. You've become - if you pay attention to your shoulders, if you pay attention to that which is the heart area, that which is the head, that which is the throat, that which is the small of the back, that which is the knees - you're going to find yourself getting tighter and tighter. Pay attention to what you have just done to the whole physical body. What you actually are doing, my friends, is cutting off energy.
[00:33:47] The minute the fear comes in, you cut off energy. This happens in all realms of your life. Let us say that you have a sudden motion in your awareness that says "Oh, my beloved no longer loves me". Now, check your body. Are you flamboyant and happy and your arms are extended? Oh, I'm so glad my beloved no longer loves me. How wonderful! Extending out into the world. Or is it perhaps something quite different? Is it perhaps that the body has indeed, once again, just as in the presence of fear around money, begun to contract and to go within and to close down? It is this closing down and cutting off that leaves you isolated from your money and your love. My friends, there is no difference. You cutting yourself off from money, you're cutting yourself off from love. We've talked about this before. It's the cutting off and the shutting down that leaves you without enough energy to manifest. You are the manifestor. If you keep insisting on ignoring your body and not going within and checking out and seeing what's going on and making a reversal, you are going to continue to get more and more and more withdrawn. Now, maximum of this means you become so depressed. Depression means you have closed down on so many of the areas of openness that you no longer have enough energy to manifest anything except sitting in bed, or lying in bed or sitting in your chair, feeling sorry. That motion means you have closed it off. There is nothing available. There is no energy juice, if you want to call it, available for you at that moment.
[00:35:26] And of course, taken to its greatest extreme, that's when you decide life is not worth living. And some people choose to simply end it and take another form and call... do what you call suicide and wake up and say "Oh my, oh my, look at this. There I was, so depressed. And now I look around and I see millions, millions of energy fields alive and awake and aware all around me, almost screaming at me. What about me? How about me? Do you want to use me? I'm here. How about me?" And you're so depressed in yourself that nothing is felt and nothing is heard and nothing becomes aware, and the end is the sorrow. If you want to change things creatively, instead of allowing sorrow to take over, you have to begin to move to its opposite. You have to begin, in spite of what you think may happen in front of you, in spite of all of your fears outside, you have got to begin to do the very opposite of what you feel like, which is to begin to imagine your body filled with love and light and power. That you are... you call on a feeling of warmth and happiness. Now I need to talk about this. Some of you in this room I may not see again. And I need to say this before you get out. The easiest way to reverse any of this on... no matter what the subject field, whether it be love or relationship or money or health or loss or whatever, the fastest, quickest way is to get out of your head, which means quit thinking and to move to the heart and just wait to feel warmth. I want you to please remember this word. When you are in a state of depression, you are cold. When people experience you, you're cold. You feel yourself as cold. You don't feel yourself as full of light and power and warmth and outgoing. You are now cold and imploded and within. The fastest way, instead of trying to understand, move to the heart center, remember the words of warmth and begin to imagine warmth even in the midst of your greatest depression. What you are going to do is to begin to build up your energy field. And in so doing - please hear this - in so doing, possibilities are going to arise. You cannot solve your problems in a depression. And you go to someone and say "Help me" and what they do, what a really good helper does, whatever name you want to call it, a healer, a therapist, a friend, a lover, a mother, a father, a grandparent, I don't care what it is, what they do is they put into the moment their energy, they... out of love... if they're not terrified. Of course. If they're terrified, where are you? If they are terrified, then you're really in trouble. So please try to go to someone who is not in the same state of terror as you are over this issue.
[00:38:09] And there are plenty of people you know, usually the person right next door says, I see it totally differently. So, go to someone else, and in their presence... what they do and what you can do for others, please, is to put into this moment, which is nothing more than an energy coming together. That's all it is. They begin to put their energy in. It's as if they plug you into their circuitry. It's as if they say "All right, all right, sweetheart. I see you're really in a mess. Well, here, let me give you some of mine, you know, temporarily here. Let's see if we can jumpstart the motor." You know, it's very much like this wonderful, jumpstarting. It happens in Taos all winter long. People are jump starting all over town, you know, out on the mesas, in the valleys and the mountains, it's jumpstart capital of the world, I'm sure. But this is the very... remember the premise. It's the same here. Go to someone who can jumpstart your energy. And that is a very literal statement. What you usually do, my friends, is go to people who you hope will mirror back your point of view. That is not what you need. If you have anything at all, you have your own point of view. That's what's gotten you in this mess in the first place, it's your point of view, which says, for example, someone says, "I'm going to lose my love", and the other one says "Well, you know, that could be interesting." "What do you mean that could be interesting?" "No, but, you know, that could be interesting. You know, you've had these problems and you could be doing this and there are other choices to make and other things can happen." And the total reluctance to even entertain, you see. But you usually go to someone who says, oh, yes, you're right, it'll be terrible, awful. You know, what kind of pills are you going to use to get out of it? And, you know, how can I help you or whatever it might be, but go to the person who has enough.
[00:39:48] This is one reason why you go to such things as psychics to give you a jumpstart. Just make sure that you go to someone who jumpstarts in the right direction, someone who really knows. That's your obligation. Don't let them jump start you into further fear. Be careful, because after all, psychic work is simply something outside yourself. Outside yourself. And the answer, no matter how helpful that might be, is still within. Are they helpful? Of course. Everyone is helpful if they help you to take in and begin to feel more alive. Whether it's someone that says "Let's go for a hike", whether it's someone that says "let's go to the movies", someone that says "let's talk about it", someone says whatever. Someone who begins to put into your real moment a difference. And in that moment you begin to recharge the energy in your body. Those of you who get really stuck in relationship rarely find yourself outside of it. For example, you are in their presence so much that the only energy field that you feel is pretty much their own. Do you understand? So it goes around and around. So what one needs to do often is get up and out of it. I don't mean leave the relationship, I mean just get out of the house or out of the room or out of the car or out of whatever, and start doing something that begins to enliven you. It's this enlivening that ends up making you see the hopes. There are always other choices, and in the presence of other energy, you can begin to redo your own awareness. Now, once again, if you will begin, please, when you have a fear, let's go back again to money or loss or whatever it might be, if you will - I've said this before, we have to remind you - at that moment, you have to begin to push in the opposite direction. You have got to take this moment and begin to imagine, no matter how absurd it may seem to you, you have to begin to imagine its opposite. You have to begin to imagine how you would feel inside with warmth and love. That is your responsibility. As you do it, moment after moment, you will find the energy field around you is beginning to calm down.
[00:42:02] Now, let's talk about... some of you in this room have been listening to what you have called the Bartholemy energy for a long time. And so now I'm speaking to those of you who have that connection of the heart. The one thing you must understand - and you will remember that we said it long ago - when you have been taken up by an energy field whose great delight it is to guide you and to help you, it never lets you go. It never lets you go. It is not possible to have it let you go. The manifestation of this energy in one form is just the manifestation of this energy in one form. And your delightful job, my friends, is to begin to find that in some way this manifestation is perhaps not only not necessary, but in some ways interferes. That when you are in the direct presence of this energy that is claims to be nothing more than that which wants with all of being, to connect to God's self, when you feel yourself in the Presence, understand it is not anything with a name. It is not anything with a form. It is not any persona. It is none of that. It is energy of the divine, deep God Self that is available every moment of your life. And please, if you can begin to just turn your awareness to whatever you feel is the manifestation of this Bartholomew, whatever that word means, which is a non-word, to begin to feel around you, not Bartholomew - what is that? - but pure conscious light of God awareness, infinitely willing to fill you and move you and guide you, extricate you every moment. If you are in pain, turn. If you are confused, just be still and be silent within and wait with awareness. That which is inside and outside is absolutely the same. Do you remember a long time ago I told you, Mary-Margaret asked me "Who are you?" and I said "When you know that, the game is up?" And now I say it to you. I ask you in these next months to dwell on what is this? What is this? When you know that, the game is up. That's why I came. To awaken that which is in you to know without any filter whatsoever. The incredible wonder and beauty, power, compassion and guidance, that is absolutely immediately available without any kind of form whatsoever. Don't get stuck with the name. There are no names in God consciousness because there are no separations in God consciousness. They do not exist. So one thing we will do in these five years is wind down this whole sense of separation. There is no separation. There never has been, and there never will be. This is the mirror. That's it. The mirror. There are states of God consciousness that are available at any moment, and you do not have to come on a Sunday to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
[00:45:42] That you come is delightful. We have had a good time and we will continue to have a good time. And in your coming, the thing that is most wondrous is that in your coming together, you come and you build energy fields of power and wonder that are then sent out to places on this planet that need it so very badly. And out of that magic, your coming here makes a difference. So you don't ever come just for yourself. You come for the vaster good of the whole, which is every moment that this kind of energy is generated in whatever momentum, it goes and moves itself across the face of the globe, caressing whatever is necessary in a way that is intimately full for the ones who so desperately need it. That is your gift to the whole. You are not here for yourselves. You are here for the vastness. You are here for the process of wholeness. And we are very grateful. Some of you have been here time after time, year after year. Dr. Aiken, it matters. What you do here matters. This planet needs exactly what it is in your deep being of consciousness you generate here, month after month after month. We hold to our schedule no matter how strange, and I know it must appear very strange, but we hold to it not so much so that you will have the opportunity to come, - although we do welcome that - but so that the wholeness of the planet will have an opportunity to be nourished yet again, yet again, yet again, in a consistent, ongoing manner. What you do here matters. And we are grateful. So please, if you will begin to look with inner awareness, what is the Bartholomew and what does it mean and what does it really mean in you and to you. Begin please to work with it in a very intimate way. Begin to ask to be shown: "What is it?" The only question you have to ask is "Who is Bartholomew?" That's the only question. It's the same as asking "Who are you?" It's the same question. Who are you? When you find the answer, there is no difference. You are not separate. You are not separate. You are not separate from each other. You are not separate from the God within. There is no separation. The filter has confused you. So please, for the next weeks before we meet again - I understand in a very short time - once again, I ask you please to pay attention to what we've just said. Those of you who will return on this strange day of a Saturday - how interesting - please, in this time place, if you would, please dwell inside of you on "What are my filters? What are their names? What do they look like? When do they appear? And most of all, how do they feel inside of me? How do they feel inside of me?" And remember the guidance, the guidance that says in the moment, if there's any tension whatsoever inside, you're in the presence of a filter and it's a lie.
[00:48:57] And to begin to say "Ah, I'm deluding myself. There's something going on here quite different from what I see." And then be quiet. Don't think of an answer. Get quiet. Go inside. Who's seeing this filter? Who's aware of this filter? Who's aware of this pain? What's really happening? Who's really inside? Who's really out looking? Who's really present? I want you to stop the game. And you stop it quickest by asking "Who are you? Who are you? In spite of the comings and goings of all of the filters. Who are you? Who is that light through which all the filters are perceived? Who are you? Who are you?" We have enough time to do it. Let's do it. I would like to thank you all for coming. I ask you deeply to remember we began this experiment because we believed that it was possible to present you with enough of a large God filter so that you will believe that God awareness is possible and in the ensuing months, that is going to be the focus of everything we say. God is real. God is accessible, available. And as you begin to go within and ask "Who is it that's looking at the filters? Who is it that's feeling the pain? Who is it that's confused or angry or full of self-pity?" As you begin to ask that "who" question, what's going to happen is arising out of the abundance of your real being, not your filtered sense of being, but your real being is going to arise the knowing that God is not to be feared. Is going to arise the knowing that God is not any of the things that you have been trained to believe. And in your feeling of it, in your body, in your awareness, in your emotions, in your mind, you are going to trust. And you're going to increase your trust moment after moment. And that's how you do it. You have to overcome your fear of God and you do it by experiencing God. And in one infinite yet very short moment of knowing, it's finished, and you know. And never again do you allow yourself to believe that that which is your true being, that is which is your deep self, the source of all being is anything to be feared is anything other than who you have been, who you will always be. It is what and who you are. The rest is imagining. The rest is a filter of confusion. Practice, please. Moment after moment. Remember last month? Your job. This is your job! This is the job. There isn't any other job on a beautiful day like this in the middle of a marvelous weekend, when people are cavorting all over the world and here you are. This is your job. This is your job. I thank you all for coming. I deeply thank you all for coming.