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Tape No 401 - 26 October 1986:

"Let Go and Be Free"

Transcript of 401-102686-LetGoAndBeFree.mp3

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Joy Franklin:
This is October 26th, 1986. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Good morning, Bartholomew.

Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Good morning, then. This is a difficult day for Mary-Margaret and I would ask for your help. Whenever there is to be a shift in order to be presented with a new frame of reference for your consciousness, it is required that her job take on a different shape, a different depth, a different color. Because if she is not willing, it cannot happen. And being willing is not all that's necessary because there is always a level of fear that arises when one knows that one is approaching a deeper level of consciousness. So I would ask those of you that love her - and most of you probably might have some feeling like that - that you would do your best at this time to present that clarity, because what we are going to try to do is to open the trap door and drop down to a deeper level. We have already begun the work, but it nevertheless takes an entirely new way of translation of symbol and color and feeling tone, and this takes practice. So, bear with her. In a few weeks time all will be well. So, understand?

Bartholomew / MMM:
Last week we began to present to you what we hope to be a new idea of how you can begin to experience a state of perfect safety in the midst of a world that must, if you are intelligent at all, appear to you to be unsafe. There is a way for the warrior to walk through life filled with the total awareness of the changing and shifting forms of conscious and unconscious reality around you, of the conscious awareness of the shifts of your own personal life, the loss, the gain, the giving, the taking, being given unto and having it taken from you. There is a way in the midst of all of that walk to have within you an awareness that never ceases, that says you are absolutely safe. You are absolutely safe! You do not need to go anywhere to be safe. My child, you are safe as you stand where you stand in your life as it is unfolding before your awareness. There is no safe hiding place on this earth plane outside of where we will take you today. You can contrive to make your life as safe as you can, but I will assure you, since the job is not to be secured in the safety outside of yourself, but rather to somehow challenge this belief and find the safety within all of your life will contrive to take things away from you, only to give you something else. Whatever has been taken from you, whatever it appears to you that you have lost, whatever it might be, in any realm of your awareness, I ask you to hear that as a very definite statement of love. As strange as that might seem to you, I ask you to understand that nothing comes to you that does not come out of the heart of love. Nothing could. Nothing ever has. And nothing ever will.

Bartholomew / MMM:
All events that come into your experience come from the deep heart of heaven, the deep heart of enduring love. If your perception observes that there is not a feeling of love as you receive these gifts, then today's discussion is for you. Let us begin again at the simplest side of the awareness scale. You have been told that you are a separated consciousness, moving through time-space in a linear direction. And difficulties arise, and it is your job somehow to keep absorbing these blows from the outside world again and again and again. And you are asked somehow to become strong and confident and trusting of that life outside of you, in spite of the fact that it appears to your awareness that these events, these persons, these circumstances hurt you. We would like today to present a different model for your consideration. And it is this: you are the same within your physical body as is the consciousness outside of your physical body. There is no separation in the energy field between the inner and the outer, so long as we are talking about spiritual power, god, energy, divine unfoldment. What is within you - and I am not of course, talking about your organic system, all of these things which you're very aware exist - but there is a substantive energy that is inside of you that is i-den-ti-cal without shift with what is outside. Your sense of separation and isolation and losing and gaining come because you have believed that you are this separation.

Bartholomew / MMM:
You have translated separation as being you. You, the persona, are now separate from all of the other people, all the other personas, and you certainly believe yourself to be separated from that incredible power that thunders through the spatial awareness constantly and is constantly appearing as the messenger, trying to get your attention. This energy, my friends, thunders through the universes. Not only this one, it thunders with such a resolute power that it calls you almost literally by your name as it makes its sweeps across all of consciousness. Its one most intimate desire, if you could call it to have a desire, is to have you know it is, and to have you feel in your awareness that it is you, not that you are and it is, but that there is only one. And this thunder, this thundering voice simply comes as a desire to awaken you. All of your literature talks about the great awakening that takes place. What is this awakening and how do you achieve it? The Great Awakening has already been accomplished because the energy that is awakening all of the different parts of the separation has already sent out its call that says "Here-we-are". Your part of this is incredibly simple, yet in its simplicity, it eludes. The simplicity of it is to simply become the absolute determination of all of your life, to keep centered inside of your consciousness. You cannot center consciousness outside of your body, my friends. You cannot do it. You cannot just project yourself out to some other form and out of that moment have any sense of who you are.

Bartholomew / MMM:
The only way that you can know who you are is to have within your physical containment of this body, this envelope, this... this balloon, as some one has mentioned, to have the knowledge that in and out are somehow absolutely identical and that the thundering power that you are seeking is constantly coming up to and placing itself deeply and completely around what you call the separation. Now, friends, please hear this. The most important thing that I will say to you this entire morning is this: when a visitor comes to your door, the visitor, if he or she has any kind of sophistication and awareness at all, knocks before entering, I will tell you that it is the same of this visitor, meaning this sweep of power, and it stays outside of the door and simply waits until you open the door and allow the entrance. Now you say to me, what is different about today than all of the things that have been said before? And it is this. Please hear this: on the unconscious level of your awareness, on the deep subterranean parts of your consciousness, this energy has already entered and is totally and fully grounded in your physical body! The only difference is you have not in your conscious mind, called for it to consciously awaken you. Do you understand? This energy doesn't sit out there and wait and say please, please, please. It already because it fills everything, it fills everything, it has to fill you, it cannot be separate from you because it fills all. It is the all. So it is constantly in a state of filling, filling, filling you always in all places, in all times, under all circumstances. It IS filling you. The reason you do not feel it is the simplest splinter of awareness that you have identified as all of you. You understand? That which you have defined as all of you, this persona, is the last to call in the visitor. And that is all that is waiting. You cannot make this energy come. It is already thundering through your veins as Life. It is Life! You are alive because it is present. You would be dead. You would not even be in one habitable body formation without its incredible polarities holding you in this skin so tightly. It is there. You are already enlightened. You are already in a state of grace. God is already singing absolutely through every part of you except your conscious mind. Your conscious mind. The great ones have said to you the greatest obstacle to realization is the belief that you are not already realized.

Bartholomew / MMM:
You will never feel the presence of God. AYou will never be in a state of enlightenment until you collect the many different parts of your conscious mind into one strong purpose and give that purpose one job, which is to call in to its separated part the knowledge that all of the rest of your consciousness already knows. I have told you that you would not be alive today if you did not know on a very deep level that you are somehow safe. You would not be here. You know, the world gives you a lot of outs. Have you noticed? There's all kinds of ways to decide, Well, this is enough. I'll do this. I'll drive my car off a bridge. I'll run into a tree. I'll take too many pills. I'll get sick and die. I'll get someone so angry they shoot me. There's any number of ways, you know, you're very creative. But in the midst of all of this, what I ask you to begin to realize totally is that there has been, since you began this journey, a recording device within the physical body that consistently sends out a signal. I am not talking about an abstract idea. I am talking about a concrete signal your body has within it, embodied in it something that never can be taken from it. A feeling tone for some of you, a sound for some of you an awareness for some of you. You know you're all not the same and the divine is not going to make itself known to you all in the same way. So you have as your responsibility to decide what kind of a signal you possess. Do you possess a signal that records itself beautifully in the physical body? Some of you... why do some of you go into physical therapy? Why do some of you have so much concern about the health of the body? Is it just because you have more earth planets? I don't think so. I think you have more earth planets because the body has been given the job of the hearing device. You have a lot of devices for hearing this. So those of you who feel very, very at ease with the physical, who have as your major concern the life of the physical, its well-being, the harmony of it, the beauty of it, the awareness of it, the balance of it, then please hear it is within the physical body. These are the ones who, if they're smart, will start paying attention to everything that goes on within their body. They will begin to hear it. They will begin to address it as their friend, as that teacher that comes to say "I have something to tell you". And the body will tell you as strongly and as clearly as anything in this createdness.

Bartholomew / MMM:
It is simply a matter of sitting and asking whatever you choose to do, ask out of the physical the same. Now, a lot of you have separated out the physical body because somewhere along the line you believed that God didn't like your body. You are supposed to laugh at that... So many of you have believed the traditions that said that God did not somehow like your body. Well, I would like to tell you something. I would like to tell you that my experience is exactly the opposite, that if you wish it to be put this way, God can be - at your choosing - the most incredibly magnificent lover that you have ever had. So that every cell of your body starts to open. As we discussed last month, deeply embedded within the cellular mechanism of who you are is this power, this light, this wonder. And as energy follows thought, when you call upon the physical body to release its magnificent secrets to you, that is precisely what it will begin to do. Now, what is the way? The way is like every other way: you have to keep asking the teacher all the time. You do not make out, for example, your grocery list on Monday because Tuesday is not yet here. What you try to do is to live a life so spontaneous that the body itself can tell you on an ongoing basis those things that it wishes to draw to it and those things that it wishes to move away from. Your body can tell you and sing with you and talk to you if you would simply stop classifying it as the enemy. My friends, I'm being very serious about this. Some of you have classified your physical bodies as the enemy, and the enemy is not going to help you out of your prison until you understand that the body sings with the same song that the soul does. When you finally understand that and are willing to start listening within, listening within to the very cellular structure of your consciousness, you will begin to hear the voice.

Bartholomew / MMM:
Now, some of you do not hear through the physical body and do not wish to do so. That's all right, because there are a lot of other ways to hear it, too. Some of you in this room are magnificent meditators. Some of you are not. Do not please try to be something that you aren't. Just try to maximize that which you are. Now, those of you who are deep, strong meditators, who have a sense of aliveness that comes into you as you sit in that open state of meditation, understand that you are triggering a different listening device. Those of you who are meditators, are triggering what I would call the kundalini power, the power of the spine. All right? Because that is the part of you that ignites when you are in meditation. This is not the only way to God, is through the Kundalini, it's simply one. But I'm talking about the spinal power and those of you that are good and strong meditators, if you will just realize that what you are doing in your meditation is enlivening all those amazing power points now not in the total body, but rather restricted to the spinal column. At the same time, you are igniting a force field of understanding that will begin with all of its different parts to start teaching you if you would just simply listen. Some of you have such very complicated meditation techniques that you spend the whole time doing the technique and no time at all allowing the sweet receptivity to flow through you, and as the wind moves through a hollow reed, so does it make a sound? And that is the aim of the meditator: to be so porous within the spinal column of consciousness that the winds of wisdom simply moves through you as a hollow reed, and the song fills your consciousness and opens the door to the next level of reality. And you hear with new ears.

Bartholomew / MMM:
There are some of you who are going to have God experience through your eyes. Some of you are the great seers of the universe. The great seers. You will see it with your eyes. How do you then activate? Because you see, most of you, when you look out there, you perceive a separated world. You perceive a world that has as its basis some things that are beautiful and some things that are not. And you all know deeply that in order to get to that deepest part of your consciousness, something has to shift so that the world outside is not separated from you in any way, that everything that your beautiful eyes gaze upon sees beauty in response. And I understand why that is difficult because the mind engages between you and what you're looking at. My friends, please, please hear this. The mind engages between real, clear, alive seeing which happens inside of you. I wish.. I wish I could open Mary-Margaret up this way so you could see. But right inside of all of you, located deeply within you, is this seeing? It is a quality of God consciousness and it is called seeing. And it lives and moves and has its power deeply within you in this part, the head part of the consciousness. And it sees. The thing that is confusing is it moves from that center of purity through the physical body with its separated senses and therefore receives its impression outside as separated consciousness. So what do you do? No one in this room or hearing this tape is going to find what your heart seeks so desperately until you make as your one commitment the activating of divine will. The activating of divine will is a very simple thing.

Bartholomew / MMM:
It says: "I want to see you or to know you or to feel you more than I want anything else in the createdness". It says "Please, you ,the Empowered One, come and see through my eyes because I cannot see except separation, but I know that you can. Please, look on this for me. Please. Your eyes, not mine. Yours." In the midst of seeing the most painful, difficult action in the world, you have deeply buried within you the ability to say "See it for me. See it for me. See it for me." On your own, you cannot do it. But if you'll just understand that this thundering power is waiting with all of its amazing compassion to use this vehicle that was created for this purpose, and all that is waiting is for you to say "See it for me now." It takes practice and it takes will. My beautiful friends, it takes will. It takes a commitment to constancy. It takes a commitment to wanting to stop seeing for your separated ego's delight and power and awareness and superiority, and trade it in. And herein lies the difficulty. Because all that your conscious mind knows, your "conscious" mind knows, is that you have survived through selective seeing, through keeping watch of your life so that you are in charge, so that you know what's happening. You! But I ask you deeply to ask yourself: has it brought to you the deepest parts of consciousness? Has this watchdog appetite of watching all of your life, has it brought you what you needed? Or is there something here that's different? Last time, we talked about the capacity of the cells to hold within themselves and in moments of rest and safety to relax and open up.

Bartholomew / MMM:
It is exactly the same - now you're going to have to take this on trust - it is exactly the same with the cellular structure of your eyes. Now listen, I'm going to lose some of you on this one. Goodbye. We've had a good time... When the divine energy sees things through your eyes, it does not see the same thing at all. Now, I am not talking theoretically. I am saying that as Mary-Margaret's eyes scan this room, she does not see now what she sees in her so-called normal state of consciousness. But we'll argue that won out later, that word... in her abnormal state of consciousness... The eyes have... Now, those of you that do not have eyes, and I know there are some in this room, don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. This is just one way. Please, do not get locked in. The eyes contain within them the same cellular wonder that the rest of your cells of your body contain, and when you, by your sweet will, ask to activate that particular cellular relaxation, releasing, by taking off the guard... You know, it's the guard dog that makes it see a certain way. Because what you're saying most of the time to your eyes and to all parts of your seeing mechanism is... see it in a way... see it in a way that I can accept. See it in a way that fits my boundaries. See it in a way that doesn't make it too hard on me. Please! Don't show me things that I don't want to see. Show me what I can deal with.

Bartholomew / MMM:
And so, selectively, you have seen separation because, as we said before, it is the separation, my friends, that you think has kept you alive when you begin... and you... I do beg that there would be a handful in this room who would take it upon themselves to test what I have just said. I ask you. Test it. To see if by continuously calling on what is clearly a vaster, clearer vision than your own, I ask you to see if your physical eyes do not begin to see differently. If you do not begin to see what many of you have seen in moments of exaltation, which is the incredible sweeps of light and power and energy that move through all of the createdness now sweetly moving into this form, immediately moving into another, ever moving, ever changing, ever delighting, ever caressing, ever magnificently wondrous. Your eyes have this ability. Some of you do not believe this at all. And that's all right. I brought it forward simply because I ask that any of you who are at all drawn to this will begin this practice on an ongoing basis. When you are seated looking at something, instead of just going to your mind and going repetitively back over to the patterns that already are in there, if you would just begin to ask a very simple question, which is "See this for me, see it for me", and wait with patience, with openness, things are going to begin to happen. The first thing is you're going to begin to feel relaxed because the watchdog is now off the chain. You are no longer saying "You must show me what I ask". You are saying "Show me". It's a very different statement. And in that moment of your saying "Show me" in the relaxation of the whole energy field around you, which is now you are not the doer. You are now not the doer. Do you understand? That is where you're stuck. YOU are then, not the doer. The energy becomes the doer, and you let it do what it will, and you simply participate in the delight of the moment of its happening.

Bartholomew / MMM:
Safety comes when you have decided to let go of the doing and allow the vast energy to do it through you and for you and with you. And this is done simply moment by moment, consciously choosing. There are hundreds of ways, my friends. Something as simple as "I'm letting go" statement in the mind. Something as simple as a relaxation of the breath into the body. Something as simple as stopping and dropping in. Something as simple as turning your mind to the light. Something as simple as "You do it", and letting it go. You are not going to be safe unless you let go. And I know that this is a very difficult statement. You will not be safe until you let go. In that wonderful Zen story of the gentleman... it's always a gentleman.. let's change it since we can change all things: this beautiful woman is now poised between the tiger on the cliff and the tiger below, and she's hanging by a root and she sees the strawberry, and the story goes she eats the strawberry - how beautiful - let's take it a step further: let's let her let go. Because in the moment of letting go, in the moment of letting go (your tarot cards hold all these symbols, these are nothing new, and please don't get misled by the symbology), you let go and the hand of God is going to pick you up. The hand of God - let's be symbolic - is constantly, directly and continuously right there, present. If this beautiful lady lets go, there will be no fear because the hand of God is simply going to slide right in and carry her wherever she needs to go.

Bartholomew / MMM:
In the midst of the greatest wave of consciousness that has ever touched this planet, you are going to have to make choices. Those of you who want to stand and let this wave come at you are going to feel as if the winds are in cyclone power, pushing you here and pushing you there. Now, I acknowledge that right now in these last few weeks, I acknowledge the difficulty - and I want you to hear this - I understand and I see clearly that many of you in the last few weeks have had a tremendous, difficult time of holding centered in what is an incredible motion of consciousness. But I told you that it was coming and I told you it was coming now in the fall time, so that in the time of the winter you can begin to integrate it. But it's on its way and it's around you and it's swirling around you, and I know there's confusion. I do understand. But I ask you to just simply know that that is part of this entire incredible process. You are not going to stand against this wave. You are not going to stand on the same ground with the same ideas, with the same beliefs against this wave. It is bigger than you are. And aren't you glad because it holds within it exactly what you're looking for, the awareness that will quicken you so thoroughly in your divine consciousness that you will know who you are. You are going to be safe if you let go. And if you hold on, old ideas, old relationships, old jobs, old thought-forms, old, old, old, old, you are going to find yourself miserable. But if you'll just start... you know, it's not hard to let go once you have made up your mind to let go. The difficulty is getting to that place where you just say "All right, all right, Now what is the answer?" You won't like it, but... Look, this is the plane of slowly moving consciousness. That is not a negative statement. This is the plane of slowly moving consciousness. And as such, it has its patterns, its unfoldment. And the main way that human consciousness moves is by your own sweet, repetitious will.

Bartholomew / MMM:
I am telling you that if - and I mean this - a hundred times a day, you practice letting go. But you don't even know what I'm talking about, do you? Just practice! Just sit there and say, all right, I'm going to let go and feel it. You will begin... if you would just try it, you will begin to know that you feel something each time you're in a state. You call it "uptight". I love that word because that's how it appears. You're up and you're tight and you're hanging on and you're hanging on. And you're hanging on. And now some windy spook is up here and says "Let it go". And you say "Let go? What's going to happen? Where am I going?" I'm going to tell you something. You are going to delight in the feeling of letting go. You cannot run your life at maximum. You can't. You will always come up with something not quite to specification. You are incredibly creative, but in your creations you have created both the beautiful and the ugly. Both those things that feel good and those things that do not. I am talking about something that cuts deeply under both of those polarities. That has nothing to do with feeling good or not feeling good in the way that you are used to experiencing them. I am asking the hardest thing I have ever asked of you. I am asking you to stop asking yourself "Do I like it or do I not?" I am asking you to stop asking yourself "Does this feel good or does it not? Does it please me or does it not? Do I want it or do I not?" I'm asking you to let go of both of the polarities. You have run your life hanging on to the polarities, and the motion of your life has come from the movement from the pole to the pole back again. The motion of life with a small L as you have lived it is nothing more than your egotistical makeup - which is not a negative term - moving sweetly between the negative and the positive poles. That's what life feels like to you.

Bartholomew / MMM:
You move over here: "I like it. Oh, I'm going away. Oh, uh, uh.. I'm going over here." Do you understand? You have moved from one pole to the other. You have created the motion of your life. The feeling that you feel as life - small l please - comes from the motion between these two poles, positive and negative. And I'm asking you to let go of that bar that swings you between the two. You do it by doing it. Please. I know... Trite. But trite is true. You do it by doing it a hundred times a day, then 200 times a day, then 300 times a day. You simply let go. You make life One thing: the practice of letting go. In the midst of a discussion, you will find arising in you... an opinion. And as part of this opinion, there arises with it a determination to make sure that the other person ends up sharing your opinion. [Laughter] But if you have noticed carefully, and I hope that you are that aware, this does not work. Your world is divided into those who pretend to agree with you and those who say "I don't believe you". But words don't change anything. All right. Does this mean you have to stop having these wonderful discussions? Absolutely not! They are the lifeblood of the intellect, and many of you are beautifully intellectual, and that is not a negative statement. In the midst of a wonderful, exciting discussion, constantly, you say to yourself "Let go". You don't stop talking. Just let go. Just say to that part of your consciousness that's hanging on "Are they getting it? Are they getting it? Am I winning? Am I winning? Am I winning? Am I?" I mean, I love this World Series that you've just gone through. If I've ever seen a display of desire to win, it has been in the last few days. Now, out of all of this wonder, in the same time, do they stop playing this wondrous game? Well, what are you going to do? Sit around and look at each other? You've got to do something. I don't care what you do, but you've got to practice the letting go in the midst of it. In the midst of it. I'm fighting with you? Let it go. You keep fighting, but you let it go. You let it go. You learn.. Do you understand? Any of you get it? You're getting it? Some of you yes. All right, look, just understand, I'm invested in you getting it. [Laughter and applause] You have my word, when you leave this auditorium, I will let you go. Change nothing. Stop doing nothing. Continue doing everything that you now do, but simply learn, in the midst of it, to exercise the letting go. And that's all I have to say. If you, in the next weeks before we meet again, will simply try it. You will find there arises in the midst of all of the activities that you now perform - this is an important word - an "otherness". I don't want to give it any name other than an otherness. It is something other than what you have experienced as life, as the swaying between the two poles. What you have to find out is that it exists. You will find out that this otherness exists. If in the next weeks you will dedicate yourself to the simple task of letting go constantly, allowing the process to teach you.

Bartholomew / MMM:
How do I have such authority as to say this? There is only one authority that I honor and that is experience. And it is my absolute experience because it is exactly the path that I see as the clearest because I have walked it and most of those that I am in harmony with have experienced it. There is a process that will carry you through and all you have to do is begin it. Moment by moment, just say "I'm letting go". Your life will continue, but an otherness, an undifferentiated otherness that is not addicted to your winning, that will not support your view of yourself as losing, will begin to manifest. And that is what I would call life with a capital L. Your definition of life, the motion between the positive and the negative, will go on. You will not lose it, but you will gain something far vaster that will simply ignite in you a knowing, and it is this knowing that you are seeking. It is your birthright to know who you are. I ask you to think on what we've talked about. This well of information, this wonderful wave that's coming to your planet, this incredibly powerful wonder carries with it new information for you. New information. One of the most beloved consciousness ever to walk the Earth plane said there has to be new wine and there does have to be new wine, but you've got to make the wineskins porous enough so that you can hear it. And you do that by letting go. You want to let go of the past. Totally. You want to be rid of the past. Totally. Because out of that emptiness, the new will come. I'm very grateful to all of you for your attention. Please think on these things.