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Tape No 30C - 29 June 1978

"Bartholomew's Function"

Transcript of 030C-062978-BartholomewsFunction.mp3

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Justin Moore:
Today is the 29th of June, 1978. Thursday evening. Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are having a session with Bartholomew.

Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Good evening.

Justin Moore:
And Bartholomew, shall we begin with a salutation to our associates to the south?

Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Always, always. All love and respect to my dear friends in Socorro. I look forward very much to communing with you in the very near future. And if this tape reaches you prior to your arrival, I would so appreciate any questions that you might have amassed during these weeks, after listening to the materials, or any personal questions that might be impinging anything of this nature, I would be so very pleased to share that time with you.

Justin Moore:
Now, at the risk of impertinence, and I don't think it is ,really, we would like to ask something about your function in the plan, the spiritual plan for this planet and for perhaps the cosmic scheme of things. How do you fit in and this work?

Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Well, it's not impertinent because you have a right to know. All four of you have a right to know since you've been instrumental in bringing it forth, I think you should be made very aware of the implications. Basically, what you need to know is that, just as on the Earth plane so called people are different jobs, in the higher areas certain energy fields are dedicated to certain fulfillments. And an energy field is really how it is best to explain what I am. But if it's easier to stop using that terminology, I will. I say "a teacher" in this case. Certain teachers are given certain assignments, so to speak, because their energies connect up with the necessary unfoldment that should take place. when a force field like myself enters into the Earth plane, which it just has recently - I have not been here in a long sense in terms of the world - and that is because a movement, a shift in energy, is taking place on the globe, and the energies that I used to represent in an area called the Himalayas, which is where I was - again, please understand, when I say I am speaking of a force field, and I am speaking of a force field that greatly extends past any idea in your mind that you might have of a teacher.

Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore:
... I feel that the other master is about to come in.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Good evening.

Justin Moore:
Salutations, Master.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
I feel that I would like to intervene at this time for my brother and answer this very high question.

Justin Moore:
Please do so.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The energy field that he speaks of, if you could observe it in the physical world, would be made up of boundless units of energy that would seem to take on the form of an immense man. This is why so many psychics have interpreted this energy as beings of light, giant beings of light. We are composed entirely of moving, undulating, rhythmically cohesive light. We carry a field of power. At this time, the shift in energy is moving away from the Himalayan section of the world and moving into other places. One of these places is this area. The main focus of this is the mountain called by you the Taos Mountain. This is why we have called on you and your wife to aid us because you are vehicles in this area who are attuned to us. Is this understood?

Justin Moore:
It is.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The function is simply to do the best that we can to imbue the entire area with a very high spiritual force. It is greatly advantageous to our plans if we have agents - again, a very bad word - I do not mean agents in the mundane sense. If we have certain vehicles who are receptive to our vibration, who can help to move this energy into greater and greater awareness among the population of that area, the understanding that is necessary must come into the peoples of this area because the destiny of this area is very important. I do not wish to speak much about that at this time, but I do want to say that it is vitally important that you and your wife, if you continue to desire it to work even greater, with even greater effort on the mantram that has been given you, it is the key to your connectedness with what I would, in all humility, ask you to help me with. Please understand, as my brother has said before me, this is a choice of yours. You may refuse and that is your choice. But I ask you to please give every due consideration to the understanding that we we need the vehicles that you and your wife represent. And it would be extremely helpful if you would keep your minds and hearts open and flexible to the greater plan, please.

Justin Moore:
This is our desire, Master.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
And we understand that our lovely friends to the South have their own destiny in that area, an area that they have brought a great deal of light to in the years that they have been stationary there. And we take this opportunity to give them our great and abiding and eternal gratitude for the years of constant service they have rendered to mankind on behalf of the highest powers. Their lives have been lived in the highest degree of understanding that they were capable. They have served many, countless beings on the planes, and we are grateful. Their destiny does not involve the movements in the Taos area in any direct sense, although we would envision, if they were willing, some kind of intercommunication between the areas, as in a liaison and continued friendship with you both. However, their main job is to continue to ground the light force in the area in which they are now abiding, because that area, too, has its destiny and its importance and cannot be overlooked at all. There are people there who greatly need the services that they have so willingly offered up on our behalf.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Therefore, the question must still be answered as to who we are and what our function is in even greater detail. The importance of what you call the Brotherhood is that they hold within their energy fields a high plan for mankind. And it is, in your terminology, a type of psychic blueprint. And we can, if souls on the Earth plane are willing, we can imprint this blueprint on their psychic awareness and they then can act as actors in acting out in making manifest on the Earth plane this blueprint that we have impressed upon them. Our need, and this is why we call you and your wife to this service, if you so choose, is to have psychic beings whose psyches are imbued enough with the light force to be able to impress, to receive the impression of the blueprint that we would place there. Have I made this at all understandable?

Justin Moore:
Well, we will have to open ourselves up more and become more sensitive to your will so that we can learn what it is and follow it?

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The movement is not difficult. I would like to be very clear about this. The movement of any type of psychic blueprint is easily accomplished. There is only one criteria that must be met, and if it is not met, nothing can transpire. That criteria is: there must be a willingness of heart. The willingness of heart comes when you become more and more and more imbued with my name and the mantram for which I stand. As you become attuned with the mantram - which stands as one of the most powerful mantric forces working on the Earth plane at this time - as this is more and more a part of you to the exclusion of all other thought-forms of any kind, it will be an absolutely simple exchange from my mind to yours. It will be as if no separation exists between our minds. The only thing that will help you at this time is to immerse yourself in the quality of that mantram. To do this as many moments of the day as you can, the more you do it, the more light will resound throughout your being and the more easily I will be able to merge my mind with yours. As the months go on, our plan can be greatly accelerated to the degree... our plan will be greatly accelerated, to the degree to which you find yourself able to immerse yourself in the mantram. Do you understand?

Justin Moore:
It shall be done.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
So, the blueprint stands as one of the most important new movements that the Earth has witnessed in many centuries. It is indeed the coming of a new age. There is much to be done, and much light can begin to ignite in this part of the world. There are gathered together from many parts of the world many key people, of which you two and our friends to the South are part. The power that will manifest from the mountain in the North reaches far farther than this little town in which our friends live. There is no doubt that if they wish to attune themselves at all to this power, they will be able to do so simply by turning within in the ways that they have been accustomed. The mantram is not suggested for them because their way is different. The mantric quality is not... of this nature is not their way and is not necessary for their unfoldment. We feel that as the months go on, they will more and more understand how much they have done already and the necessary movements left in their life cycle. Have you any questions at this time?

Justin Moore:
Only if you feel the vehicle can tolerate them.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Yes. If it's quick,

Justin Moore:
Is it appropriate for us to invoke you directly at some point, or should we simply wait for your decision in this matter?

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
I feel that at this stage it is best that I be the judge because of the receptivity. There are so many things that are important for a good transmission that have nothing to do with the woman and her vehicle. They have to do with other movements. So I would say, please to leave it, that I will come when I feel it is necessary. In the ensuing months, that directive may change. But now I would say it is best to leave it as it is. I am also grateful that you have invested the financial investment for the painting because I feel that I have a greater foothold in your life now and can reach you at a faster rate. I am very sorry to have to keep insisting on this faster rate.

Justin Moore:

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The reason is simply that... events on the earth plane are moving very rapidly and many of them are of a very negative nature... There is a great deteriorating effect taking place in many parts of the world, and this is not going to stop. Therefore, it is important to amass any of those whose hearts and minds are willing to move in our way, to amass them as soon as we can. And when God moves in such power, things move rapidly and time elipses so that there is very little gap between events. It is as if karmic situations are greatly accelerated, and you will find this happening in the year to come all over the Earth plane. Things will be happening rapidly. There will be quick falls in finances. Things of this nature will happen quickly, almost by surprise. And that is because when God moves things, when God moves with power, as we have explained before, there are times when the energy flow is much greater and then there is an ebb. It is like the sea. It is like the grass, the vast cosmic sea that moves and then recedes and moves and recedes. And this is a time of movement. And when this is a movement of God, everything is greatly accelerated. If you have any extremely high, important question to ask, this would be a very fine time because the the energies are excellent.

Justin Moore:
Would you care to speak again about your nature and the nature of the Brotherhood?

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The nature of the Brotherhood is as old as the first man who took form. When the first man took form, the need for the Brotherhood was there at that moment, because the moment the first individualized consciousness perceived itself as individual, there was immediately the need to bridge the gap, and the Brotherhood was born instantaneously. As for the Earth plane, the Brotherhood stands simply as great forces of energy with God's blueprint, if you will. You see, this word God is very difficult because in a sense, you know, there is no God in the way that you have created. One of the greatest problems that we have to deal with is the human beings' misconception of God. You have taken all of the human qualities and made them extremely, extremely vast and extended them out into the universe and beyond. And you have placed upon this conglomerate of your own thought-form the name of God. There is no reality between God and this conglomerate of thought-forms that you have projected out into the universe. The reality of God is only perceptible, and can be perceived, through the quiet mind and heart of any human who seeks to find the answer there. The question that is constantly asked by Earthlings is "how can I best become aware of this thing called God?" Is this a valid question?

Justin Moore:
It is.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The answer is simply that, once you stop thinking of yourself as separate from that force, you will find it easier and easier and easier to merge your consciousness with it. This is best illustrated by the separate mind viewing itself as separate and beginning to view itself as one with every other mind. It is a practical instruction. For example, as you stand in front of another brother, another human being, if you would make yourself aware of the space that lies between your bodies rather than the bodies themselves, you will begin to attune yourself more and more to the Oneness. If, as you look at an object, instead of fastening your view on the object, if you were to fasten your awareness on the space between you and the object, you would soon become aware that space has a meaning. Space itself carries the message of Oneness, and as you concentrate with your eyes and then later with the feel of the space upon your skin, all of these techniques begin to convince you slowly that what you have done is to carve out of the unity of the One individualized objects. If you keep your attention on the individual objects, it is much more difficult for us to break down the mental construct of separateness that you have made over the lifetime. So, as strange as this may sound, it is a very helpful tool for you to concentrate on the space between things rather than on the things themselves. Does this seem strange to you?

Justin Moore:
No, it doesn't, oddly.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
I think that most people who are at all sensitive when they will hear this will understand what we are trying to say. By the continued concentration on the space between, on the space between words, the pauses between words rather than on the words themselves. You see? The greater concentration on these types of things, the more the mind begins to become aware of that ancient, ancient throbbing of Oneness that permeates the entire world structure. The more you concentrate on the individualized manifestation, the more difficult it is for us to wrench your view from that. So, as an adjunct to this exercise of watching the spaces and being aware of the spaces, it is also vitally important that all human beings who seek the highest become aware of the space within their being. There is a space within the physical form that is at one with the space between objects. You see yourselves as filled with varying things. The reality is that there is a space within you. This space within you is part of the space that exists throughout all of the universe. You can, by quieting your mind and your heart and keeping your awareness within yourself, you can become aware of the space that exists within you. And as you become more aware of this space, you will become aware that it has a meaning. And this meaning will begin to permeate your life. Our friends to the South, I feel, will find this a very helpful exercise if they choose to use it. They are both of quiet mind and quiet heart. They would greatly benefit by this type of awareness, of being aware of the space within themselves. The space within each individual has a meaning. That meaning can be understood, that meaning cannot be known in the sense of knowledge. It cannot be seen in the sense of sight. It can be understood in the sense of being released, in the sense of revealing its secrets. Do you understand this?

Justin Moore:
I believe I do.

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The space within will begin to reveal its mysteries to anyone who will take the time to attempt to be aware of it. It is always there. It is simply a matter of taking the time to tune into that area and to become aware of it.

Justin Moore:
Should one focus on a particular center in the body?

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
The center of the body is irrelevant. You see the various traditions: one time it is done in the hara, in another tradition it is done in the so-called third eye. In another tradition, it is done in the solar plexus area. In another tradition, it is done to the right of the solar plexus area. It truly does not matter because the space permeates the physical vehicle at any point that you choose to concentrate. Another space used a lot is the top of the head. The way that you will know where you should focus is when you begin the process in your meditation. You see, I feel that this is the highest form of meditation, and if I were to be asked my recommendation for meditation on the Earth plane, this would be my response: that whatever other vehicle you might use, such as moment to moment awareness during your day or mantric quality, whatever, these are all excellent. I am speaking now of what does one do when one is seated in meditation? Do you understand?

Justin Moore:

Unidentified Master / Mary-Margaret Moore:
Not a daily moment to moment thing, but what is the best way in a meditation situation. When one is in a meditative pose with the spine erect - and this is vital - the spine must be erect for any kind of direct contact with the higher force. It must be erect in some form. It is not necessary to be seated in a so-called lotus position. Itis... a chair will do, anything will do, but the back must be erect. This has to do with very complicated things, to do with energy fields and polarities. We will not go into it. It is unimportant, if you will trust me to say, to suffice to say that it is important that the spine be kept straight. Then the concentration goes in on the space within one's being. The space is easily found. It is not difficult to find the space. What is difficult is to find the meaning of that space and it is only through a devoted, continual desire to have that space reveal its meaning that the truth will come and the truth will come, I promise! Anyone listening to this tape, however deep their doubts, however confused their minds, I promise, on behalf of the one who sent me, that if you will take this time to concentrate on that space within, that space will give up its meaning. The space longs to reveal itself, but it cannot do so without knowledge that it will be received in love. The message that I am asked to bring is that anyone, no matter what their past may be, no matter what their thoughts might have been, no matter what their bodies might have done, it is not important. The space within each being will reveal the mystery to anyone who sincerely seeks it. It is irrelevant what your ego has done in the past. It is irrelevant what so-called sins may weigh upon you. These are not of interest to us. They are unreal images that will blow into the vastness at the first sight of meaning from your inner self. So do not allow the ego to use your so called sins against you because the only value that a sin has is only a value to the ego and the ego uses your so called sins to keep you imprisoned so that you will not feel worthy of seeking the high road. And I am come to tell you that it matters not to any of us what you have done. What your ego has done is of not any consequence to us. And we ask you on behalf of the highest force that has sent us to this plane to work with you, to put aside all such childish illusions. Those are toys and they are not important. We ask any of you who can to rise in our only cause, which is to bring the light...