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Newsletter No 2 - February 21, 2022

1. Recently added tapes

To start with, no less than exactly 50 tapes were converted and uploaded. That number was not intentional, but it turned out that way. The list of these tapes is below:

  • Tape No 29: Mary Margaret Experiencing the Self
  • Tape No 102: Desires
  • Tape No 129: Sleep state and night work
  • Tape No 145: The Christ Today
  • Tape No 165: Inner effects of Meditation
  • Tape No 500: Filters
  • Tape No 505: The World as a Mirror
  • Tape No 507: Facing Fear
  • Tape No 508X1: Enlightenment is Present Here and Now
  • Tape No 508X2: Every Moment of Your life is Holy
  • Tape No 511: You are never given more than you can handle
  • Tape No 517: Expansion of World Consciousness
  • Tape No 520: You are the Primary Knower of Your Life
  • Tape No 522: Your Awareness is What You Want It to be
  • Tape No 524: We are bubbles in the vast wave of Consciousness
  • Tape No 527: Pure Awareness vs. Pure Conscious Awareness
  • Tape No 529X1: Nature and Spirit - Tape 1 of 5
  • Tape No 529X2: Nature and Spirit - Tape 2 of 5
  • Tape No 529X3: Nature and Spirit - Tape 3 of 5
  • Tape No 529X4: Nature and Spirit - Tape 4 of 5
  • Tape No 529X5:Nature and Spirit - Tape 5 of 5
  • Tape No 530: Moving beyond sorrow and fear
  • Tape No 531: Crop circles and planetary consciousness
  • Tape No 532X1: Albuquerque One-Day Mini-Workshop - Tape 1 of 3
  • Tape No 532X2: Albuquerque One-Day Mini-Workshop - Tape 2 of 3
  • Tape No 532X3: Albuquerque One-Day Mini-Workshop - Tape 3 of 3
  • Tape No 533: We have a blueprint of consciousness
  • Tape No 534: Taking the path of pain to release the light
  • Tape No 536: Accessing What the Christ Is
  • Tape No 540: Live a Life of Quiet Inspiration
  • Tape No 542: As humans expand they encounter obstacles
  • Tape No 545: Dissolving boundaries between healer and healed
  • Tape No 548: What you are looking for you can find
  • Tape No 549: Intent incompleteness keeps us reincarnating
  • Tape No 554: Excitement and Enlightenment
  • Tape No 555: Take responsibility for something larger than ourselves
  • Tape No 557: There are many paths to Enlightenment
  • Tape No 558: Living is dangerous for your health
  • Tape No 559: Trust is Essential for Growth & Relationship
  • Tape No 562X1: 1993 Detroit Workshop - Tape 1 of 5
  • Tape No 562X2: 1993 Detroit Workshop - Tape 2 of 5
  • Tape No 562X3: 1993 Detroit Workshop - Tape 3 of 5
  • Tape No 562X4: 1993 Detroit Workshop - Tape 4 of 5
  • Tape No 562X5: 1993 Detroit Workshop - Tape 5 of 5
  • Tape No 563: To be Fully Conscious of the Moment
  • Tape No 565: Gifting Yourself
  • Tape No 566: Bliss is always in the Moment
  • Tape No 570: Enlightenment
  • Tape No 572: God creates this moment
  • Tape No 575: What is your life really about?

  • 2. Improved quality of tapes uploaded previously

    It was brought to our attention that a certain number of the tapes already uploaded to the site had only one side correctly taped, thus preventing listeners to hear them in stereo. We're not sure how and why this happened, but the problem has now been fixed: all the tapes on the site are in stereo mode. If you have downloaded some of them in the past, it would be a good idea to download them again to have a full audio quality. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    3. Four levels of sound quality

    1. "Excellent": no scratches, no background noise, justŠ excellent.
    2. "Very good": almost as good as the "Excellent" ones, with a few audible scratches.
    3. "Good": still quite audible, but with segments that contain varying amounts of scratches and/or background noises.
    4. "OK": listeners need to focus on the speaker and ignore the noise or poor sound quality.
    5. Not listed is a fifth category, i.e. the tapes that are in such bad shape that they are unusable. As such, they are considered "missing" and added to the Missing Tapes page in the hope that other copies will be found and funneled our way.

    4. Grouping by numbers

    As more and more tapes are added to the Audio Files page, finding the one you're looking for will increasingly require a lot of scrolling up or down. To help with this process, the page is now interspersed every 100 tapes with a string of links that allows jumping around more easily. So for example if you are looking for a tape in the 300 range, all you need to do is click on the "Tapes 300-399" to be brought immediately to Tape 300.

    5. Multiple topics addressed in each tape

    One of the charms and source of frustration of the Bartholomew tapes is the fact that while there is one title listed for each tape, there are in fact in almost all of them several more topics, too much to include in the title. As a result, it is impossible to know exactly what the tapes have to offer unless you actually listen to them. To address this problem, we are devising a new approach, and you can help.

    If you go to the 500 range on the Audio Files page, look at No 502 and notice the mention "(+ Topics)" after the title, indicating that there are additional topics that have been ideintified for that tape. Click on that mention and see what happens. Unless you have disabled pop-ups in your browser preferences, you should see a small window open with the list of all the topics mentioned on that tape. If you can't see it, this is what it looks like.

    How can you help with this process? If you feel so inclined, make note of the topics you hear addressed in the tapes you listen to and send them to us. As we receive them, we will add them similarly for each tape.

    6. Questions or comments?

    If you have questions or comments, please let us know at info@bartholomewmaterial.com. If they are of relevance for everyone, they will be incorporated in the following newsletters. Thank you!

    Copyright © Estate of Mary-Margaret Moore - All rights reserved.

    Our mailing address is: info@bartholomewmaterial.com

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